School attendance is very important. Being present on a regular basis directly relates to student achievement. When it is necessary for your child to be absent from school, it is important that the parent contact the TL Reed office (559-305-7300) that same day or send a signed note with your child upon his/her return. CONTACTING THE OFFICE, THE MORNING OF YOUR CHILD'S ABSENCE, IS GREATLY APPRECIATED. It is the responsibility of each parent to clear all absences within the 24 hours, as well as contacting your child’s teacher prior to the conclusion of the day for any homework requests. We certainly do not want children to attend school when they are ill, therefore, we ask that you try to schedule any appointments after school hours whenever possible and continue to send notes verifying illnesses or appointments to school.
It is the responsibility of every student to arrive on time each day, prepared to learn. Instruction begins at 8:00 A.M. each school day. Students will be “marked” tardy if they are not in the classroom before the 8:00 bell rings. Tardy students must report to the office before entering their classroom. If the student does not bring a doctor’s note then the tardy will be considered "unexcused". Any student receiving excessive (3 or more) unexcused tardies will be referred to the office and/or the loss of recess/break privileges. A note will be sent home for the parent to sign.