TL Reed Expectations are BARK posted in all areas on campus
PBIS Student Voice Group (one representative from each 4th-8th grade classroom)
Expectations are taught in EVERY Classroom and on Playground
Positive verbal feedback based on student effort and process
Redirect and reteach expectation(s) when needed and (Aug, Jan, April)
Caught Being Good certificate/prize...Announced during morning announcements
Award Assemblies (Primary K-5 monthly, Middle school each trimester)
Upstander Club (peer mentoring)
Husky Hangout (grades 3rd-8th reward room during lunch recess)
Husky Success Card (check-in / check-out system)
Counseling services (individual & small group)
Expect Respect is taught (Stop, Walk, & Talk)
Communication Sentence Frames for students to role play and practice
Anti-Bullying assembly each year...
Restorative Justice (mediation team works with students)
THINK before you speak T=is it true, H=is it helpful, I=is it inspiring, N=is it necessary, K=is it kind
SWAT team… Students Won’t Allow Touching
Community service (volunteering in the Cafeteria- rewarded verbally and a prize at the end of the week’s service)
Lunch Reflection Club (time to work and think about choices)
Trimester Reward Times... (fun time for students who meet the criteria)
B.A.R.K. Bingo.....(6-8th grade incentives for positive behavior)
B.A.R.K. Scoreboard...(Classroom competition for least referrals to the office)
Decisions program.....(Alternative Intervention for first time suspensions)
Administration is present at the front gate each morning and in the cafeteria at breakfast and lunch